Whether you want peace and quiet, or would like to set up a business, purchasing an acreage or rural property may be the right choice for you.
There are aspects associated with living on a rural property you may not have even thought about, such as:
- Wells, pumps, septic systems and tanks, cisterns etc . . .
- The distance and travel time from Edmonton and its amenities.
- The need to pay more for some utilities, such a rural line price for the telephone or even the unavailability of others, like cable
- The often obscure zoning restrictions and rural subdivsion by-laws can be complex to understand without assistance
But you do not have to navigate these challenges alone. We can help you understand what is involved and will provide the contacts to assist you with other issues. If you are interested in rural property around Edmonton, call the MacMillan Team at (780) 464 4100 for a free consultation. |